10 Funny, Creative, and Cute Ways to Announce a New Baby

10 Funny, Creative, and Cute Ways to Announce a New Baby

Introducing a new baby to the world can be so much fun, but it can also come with its fair share of surprises. You might be surprised that you even need to announce the birth at all, or you might be surprised that your friends and family aren’t as excited about the new addition as you expected them to be.

No matter what kind of reaction you get, it’s still important to let everyone know that their family has grown by one in size. Whether you’re looking for ideas on how to announce your own new baby or just looking to read about what others have done, these 10 funny, creative, and cute ways to announce a new baby should help get you started!

1) Tell An Embarrassing Story In Person

Baby announcements don’t have to be reserved for your social media accounts. Tell an embarrassing story—in person—about how you found out you were pregnant or what happened when you went into labor. Who doesn't love a good labor story? It will also set a fun tone around the event and help people relax.

2) Lead With An Adorable Baby Fact

Did you know that babies can’t taste sugar? It’s true! Babies don’t have any specialized taste buds until after they are born. Until then, they are limited to salty and sour flavors in foods. When your baby is born he or she will not be able to taste anything sweet because his or her ability to taste depends on forming connections between nerve cells in his or her mouth and sensory cells at the back of his or her tongue.

3) Embrace Cliché 

Instead of trying to come up with something completely original, embrace clichés and create your announcement around them. A good example is making a paper fortune cookie announcement or creating confetti made out of newspaper. Or make a letter board announcement with your personalized announcement with a cute saying.

4) Let your friends send in their ideas

Facebook, Twitter and other social media tools can be used to create a pool of ideas. Put out a call for suggestions on how you could announce your new baby; friends are sure to have some hilarious or creative ideas that you hadn’t thought of before. You can also use Facebook or Twitter during your actual pregnancy announcement; get as many people involved as possible! It might even make for some great pictures or videos—who knows? You could go all out and live stream your birth on YouTube. JOKING

5) Throw an Epic Party

Let’s be honest: pregnancy announcements have gotten pretty stale. Packing them full of tacky pink or blue shower decorations is just gag me. Instead, think about throwing an epic party that incorporates all things new baby. Call it a nursery-warming party or Welcome Home Baby party; keep it small and intimate and then post about it on social media letting everyone who wasn't invited know how much fun you all had and all about your new baby.

6) Create a Custom Video

While a lot of parents are using Facebook to announce their new bundle of joy, another increasingly popular option is creating custom videos. If you have experience with video editing or animation software (and not just Adobe Premiere), then there’s no better way to make an announcement that’s more personal than recording your own custom-made video.

7) Share your news with everyone at once

One of my favorite pieces of advice for how to announce a new baby is to share your news with everyone at once! Announcement photos are adorable (and fun), but they’re still just one way that you can share your news with people. If you want something more low-key, consider sharing small details about your pregnancy and/or first baby milestones on social media over time.

8) DIY Project

Do you have an artistic side? You don’t need to invest in art lessons or expensive equipment to use your talents. Instead of buying baby announcements off-the-shelf, why not whip up something special with crayons or colored pencils? Or cupcakes that look like fetuses?

9) Publicize it on social media

If you have an active social media presence, announce your new bundle of joy via Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Make sure to snap some photos of your new child in those first few weeks because they only look like that for about 2 months. You can also share photos on your company’s social media accounts to make sure everyone knows you really had a baby and aren't on vacation in Mexico. Showcase how happy your family is with all of your followers! Make sure not to show the reality of leaking breasts, tender nipples, a colicky baby and cover those dark circles under your eyes with some super thick foundation.

10) Sing It In A Song

If you can carry a tune or even if you can't, you can karaoke your announcement. Here's a great list of baby themed songs to choose from.

11) Announce Your New Baby In A T-shirt Or Onesie (Our favorite for obvious reasons)

Capture a photo of you holding up our "If you think I'm good lookin' you should see my Grandma" onesie. Dress your kid in our Big Brother, Big Sister or I Was Here First toddler tee and take photos to post. Everyone will catch on after awhile.


Remember To Have Fun

The most important thing to remember is to have fun with it! This should NOT be stressful. Babies are always exciting but often stressful so consider announcing your news in a manner that will lighten things up. But if you want to go all the way check out these over the top ways people have announced their babies below!

A hockey team surprised fans when they brought out their new baby during an intermission at a local game in Pennsylvania. The crowd went wild as they held up signs welcoming him into the world.

One wife drove around town posting fliers on her husband's route that read You are cordially invited...to our baby shower along with directions to their house. When her husband got home, he opened up their front door to find balloons and streamers everywhere and a sign that said Congratulations Daddy! I am coming soon.

A couple bought a large poster that read We’re having a baby! and hung it on their garage door for all of their neighbors to see. The neighbors thought it was hilarious and congratulated them. Then, a few days later, they put up a new poster that read We’re having twins!

One couple in England found out they were having their third baby and arranged for an airplane to fly over their neighborhood with an attached banner that spelled out 'We're Having A Baby' in Morse code.

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